My #Transathon 2020 TBR!

Here is my TBR for #Transathon 2020, which is hosted by @transathon on Twitter. You can enter for giveaways by filling out this form. I'm indicating the books I want to read on audio with an (A). As usual, I'm selecting multiple options for each challenge, because I'm a mood reader and it makes it … Continue reading My #Transathon 2020 TBR!

My #Blackathon TBR

Blackathon is a month long readathon hosted by Jesse from Bowties & Books and Lauryn of TheNovelLush. There are reading challenges, Instagram challenges, and Twitter movie watch-a-long, all of the information can be found on their Twitter or in this video. The reading challenges are split into SFF and Contemporary teams, and I'm going to concentrate on the contemporary team … Continue reading My #Blackathon TBR