Review Policy

If you are an author or publisher who would like your book(s) to be reviewed, please send all information to my email

I accept review copies in digital format only (ideally mobi but I also accept PDF).

I reserve the right to review any books that I choose, and to choose not to accept reviews for books that don’t sound appealing to me or that I don’t have time for. Reviews are guaranteed to be shared on my Twitter, Tumblr and Goodreads.

I primarily am interested in reviewing adult romance, but I also read some young adult and middle-grade books, and some erotic short stories. I favor contemporary fiction, but do also read fantasy, paranormal, historical, and science fiction on occasion. If your story might be characterized as gritty or has a lot of violence, abuse or death in it, it is unlikely to be for me.

Books I’m particularly interested in reviewing:

  • I love indie authors and small press authors and want to support them in particular, especially authors of color, queer authors, trans and non-binary authors, and disabled authors.
  • I am especially interested in books with main characters of color that are written by authors of color.
  • I am generally interested in marginalized representation in fiction. I am especially interested in marginalized representation of identities/communities I share, am hungry to see on the page, and feel I can discuss in depth. This includes…
    • queer representation (yes to all the letters! lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning, intersex, ace-spec, aro-spec, agender, pansexual, and that absolutely can include m/f romance with one or more queer characters!)
    • trans, gender non-conforming, genderqueer and non-binary representation
    • disability representation (I use a wide definition of disability that includes things like chronic illness, physical disability, autism, mental illness, chronic pain)
    • Jewish representation
    • fat representation (no diets or weight loss arcs please)
  • I am generally interested in ownvoices representation.
  • I am generally interested in polyamory and kink representation in fiction, with a particular interest in realistic representation that includes communication and consent. (I’ve been quite active in polyamorous and kink communities for many years and do community education on kink and polyamory, so I bring a bent of wanting to see myself and my communities on the page.)
  • If your book has a lot of food description, chosen families, strong platonic relationships, characters working together on a common goal, and/or characters being kind to each other, it is likely to be for me.
  • I especially love these romance tropes: childhood crush to lovers, friends to lovers, relationship on the rocks, long term pining of any sort, neighbors to lovers, slow burn, meet-cute, fake relationship, snowed in, forced proximity. I also love single parent romances, holiday romances, grief-themed romances, geek romances, foodie romances, romances with artists or musician MCs.

I do not accept review requests for mysteries, thrillers, suspense, horror, or literary fiction, as I generally do not read those genres and do not feel comfortable reviewing them. I do not generally review graphic novels, comics, poetry or non-fiction; that may change in the future, but for now, I do not accept review requests for these genres.

I retain the right to reject any review request sent my way. I require an accompanying list of trigger warnings or sensitive material featured in the book to help with making this decision. Accepting a review copy is not a guarantee that I will review.

All reviews are based solely on my opinions and will be honest. I disclose where I got the book from and any relationship I may have with the author and/or publisher.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me!